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        Who needs Pat testing?

There is currently no strict legal requirement for PAT testing. The Government however has put regulations into place that pertain to the maintenance of electrical appliances and the most effective way to ensure that these regulations are met is through PAT testing.

Many insurance companies will stipulate that pat testing is carried out to validate your policy, this is to be compliant with

  • Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974

  • The Electricity at Work Regulations of 1989

  • The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations of 1998

  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations of 1999


So even though PAT testing itself is not legally required, it simply helps you to protect yourself by ensuring that you are complying with these regulations.

Claims that PAT testing is required by law and that the client is breaking the law by not having it done are simply not true. The law does require however that employers, including self-employed, ensure that all electrical equipment that they provide in their business is safe and properly maintained. This means that PAT testing is a critical part of your company’s health and safety and should be considered part of a solution to your safety concerns.

PAT testing provides the most effective way to identify defects that can come with use. Faults in electrical equipment pose a potential hazard, particularly if they are not repaired readily.

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